Bergen Barokk ble dannet av Frode Thorsen og Hans Knut Sveen i 1994 i forbindelse med en konsertserie i regi av Bergen kommunes kulturavdeling, og er i dag en av Norges ledende tidlig musikk grupper. Ensemblet har konsertert og vært kringkastet i Skandinavia, Russland og USA. Innspillingene deres finnes på Simax Classics, BIS, Bergen Digital Studio og Toccata Classics og dekker tysk, engelsk, italiensk og fransk repertoar.
Ensemblet har siden 2006 vært i arbeid med innspillingen av Telemanns kantatesyklus “Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst”, en samling av 72 kantater for alle søn- og helligdager i kirkeåret. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom Griegakademiet – Institutt for musikk (UiB) og Toccata Classics, London. Bergen Barokk har så langt spilt inn 55 av kantatene i samlingen.
“A Holberg Recital” er en serie på tre CDer med musikk knyttet til Ludvig Holbergs musikksmak og mulige repertoar.
Bergen Barokk har samarbeidet med ensembler som Pratum Integrum (Moskva), Norsk Solistkor og Barokksolistene. Ensemblet har bla. gjestet Festspillene i Bergen, Philadilphia Bach Festival og Moskva Antiquarium.
Lederne for Bergen Barokk er Frode Thorsen og Hans Knut Sveen.
Bergen Barokk mottar støtte fra Norsk Kulturråd og Bergen kommune.
“So perfect a reproduction of the female alto voice is Franz Vitzthun’s countertenor that even a really close listening might not convince you it belonged to a male. He is truly amazing. And I have nothing but praise for the instrumentalists comprising the Bergen Barokk. Not a foot, or, should I say, a finger goes amiss. This is a brilliant release, right down to its booklet containing a scholarly essay, complete texts, and documentation on the instruments, performance materials, and the editions used, all in three languages. If I were giving an award for Baroque disc of the year, this one would win it. Urgently recommended.”
(Jerry Dubins, Fanfare Magazine, Nov 2009 on Vol. 2 of “Harmonishcer Gottes-Dienst”)
Bergen Barokk
Bergen Barokk was established by Frode Thorsen and Hans Knut Sveen in 1994 in connection with a concert series supported by the city arts department in Bergen and is today one of Norway’s leading early-music ensembles. The group has performed in concerts and radio broadcasts in Scandinavia, Russia and USA. Their recordings on Simax Classics, BIS, Bergen Digital Studio and Toccata Classics include German, English, Italian and French repertoire.
The ensemble has since 2006 worked with the complete recording of Telemann’s cantata cycle “Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst”, a collection of 72 cantatas for all Sundays, Passiontide and feast days of the liturgical year. The project is a collaboration between The Grieg Academy (University of Bergen) and Toccata Classics, London. As the performing group in the project, Bergen Barokk has recorded so far recorded 55 of the cantatas in the collection. “A Holberg Recital” is Bergen Barokk’s 3 CDs series with music which is based on the Danish-Norwegian writer, essayist, philosopher, historian and playwright Ludvig Holberg’s musical taste and possible repertoire.
Bergen Barokk has collaborated with several ensembles and plays an important role as collaborating partner and entrepreneur in the music life of their home town. Bergen Barokk has performed in festivals as Festspillene i Bergen, Philadelphia Bach Festival, Moscow Early Music Festival.
The leaders of the Bergen Barokk are Frode Thorsen and Hans Knut Sveen. Different demands in repertoire and instrumentation leads to a broad variation of participating musicians and ensemble sizes.
Bergen Barokk receives annual financial support from Arts Council Norway and Bergen City Council.
“So perfect a reproduction of the female alto voice is Franz Vitzthun’s countertenor that even a really close listening might not convince you it belonged to a male. He is truly amazing. And I have nothing but praise for the instrumentalists comprising the Bergen Barokk. Not a foot, or, should I say, a finger goes amiss. This is a brilliant release, right down to its booklet containing a scholarly essay, complete texts, and documentation on the instruments, performance materials, and the editions used, all in three languages. If I were giving an award for Baroque disc of the year, this one would win it. Urgently recommended.”
(Jerry Dubins, Fanfare Magazine, Nov 2009 on Vol. 2 of “Harmonishcer Gottes-Dienst”)